Young people (under 19s)

If you are under 19 years years old, you can walk in to Clifden Centre during our opening hours without an appointment.

Young People's Clinic Opening hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
12-5.30pm 12-5.30pm 12 - 5.30pm 12-5.30pm 12-4.30pm


We have a wonderful and dedicated team for young people during these hours, but young people under 19 years are also welcome to attend our services anytime during the opening hours in Clifden Centre. 

Young people (under 19)

Staff at Homerton Sexual Health

You might want to come and see us if

  • You have or you have not had sex yet
  • You have any questions about sex, relationships or your body

You can ask us anything

  • You want free condoms
  • You would like contraception to prevent pregnancy
  • You have had sex and you want emergency contraception
  • You have noticed something on your penis or vagina and you would like us to check whether it’s normal
  • You have noticed symptoms which suggest a sexually transmitted infection
  • You would just like a check-up

Consent is as simple as a cup of tea

Consent is as simple as a cup of tea Learn more

What to expect

What to expect when visiting Homerton Sexual Health Clinic