Learning and development
Corporate induction
The corporate induction programme runs twice a month.
Knowledge and skills framework (KSF)
We are guided by the Agenda for Change system of grading and salary levels introduced in 2004. This includes KSF, a part of which is designed to identify the knowledge and skills needed for an individual to apply and undertake within their role. This framework enables you to develop your own personal development plan through the process of annual reviews,
A guide to what Agenda for Change is and how it works is available at the NHSEmployers website
Personal development courses
These workshop style courses help you hone your skills and to be more effective in your work role. Focussing on the needs of the group you will be expected to exchange ideas with other participants and practice the concepts covered in the sessions. As with all learning and development courses that we offer, they will be a part of your own KSF outline.
Leadership and management courses
The Learning and Development team is charged with increasing the leadership and management resource at Homerton. Our managers/leaders are competent to lead, manage and coach their staff to enable them ultimately to contribute positively to the constant improvement of patient care.
Learning opportunities aim to be in line with their current and future development and to provide them with relevant knowledge and skills within a supportive, challenging and developmental environment that promotes greater self -awareness, creativity and flexibility.
Information Technology
Much of our work involves computer programmes such as the Electronic Patient Record System (EPR), the Electronic Staff Record (ESR), and Healthroster. There are many terminals available around the Trust and you will always have access to one.
The IT courses at Homerton help you make the most of the technology which we use to ensure wards are fully staffed and patient records are completely up to date. You can learn about writing letters or reports with Microsoft Word or capture and express information by creating charts with Microsoft Excel.
You can create databases in Microsoft Access to manage large amounts of data and use Microsoft PowerPoint for presentations for team meetings or teaching sessions. You can make the most of the e-mail system with Microsoft Outlook and gather information about the hospital with our intranet.
Learning is no longer confined to the classroom. We live in a competitive world where individuals need to raise and maintain their skills to enhance employability, and businesses need to invest in learning and training to improve productivity and competitiveness.
Lifelong learning is the key - people need to get into the habit of not just acquiring a good basic education but continuing to learn and develop throughout their working life. A vital element is good quality qualifications that are recognised and valued by individuals and employers.
Apprenticeships are nationally-designed programmes, tailored for full-time employees. They aim to give employees the opportunity to:
- gain vocational, work-based qualifications (Technical Certificate and Functional Skills including numeracy and literacy)
- learn and enhance practical job skills and knowledge, related to specific work roles
- progress within specific careers and educational pathways
Apprenticeships normally last from 12 months-4 years, depending on the type of programme.
Apprenticeships we offer
- Health and Social Care
- Business and Administration
- Support Services in Healthcare
- Estates Maintenance
Functional skills qualifications
Functional skills are the skills most commonly needed to succeed at work and in everyday life. In developing Functional skills, people improve the quality of their learning as well as their performance in the world of work.
It can be assessed and achieved as a stand-alone qualification although the delivery may more commonly form part of a broader learning programme, involving achievement of other qualifications.
All staff in Bands 1-4 have the opportunity to achieve the Functional Skills qualification in ICT (information, communication and technology), literacy and numeracy.