Adult Allergy service

The adult allergy team primarily serves our local community within City & Hackney and the North East sector of Greater London. We provide outpatient clinics and inpatient facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease. We currently run outpatient consultation clinics, immunotherapy clinics, anti-IgE clinics for asthma & urticaria as well as drug and food challenge clinics.

Over the past 2 decades, there has been a significant rise in the number of adults with a variety of allergic disease including hay fever, bee or wasp venom allergy, house dust mite allergy, animal allergies, asthma, urticaria (hives) and angioedema, food allergy and drug allergy. The clinic aims to provide a diagnosis and help control symptoms to reduce the impact of these conditions on your quality of life and help improve your physical and emotional well-being. We do this through a multidisciplinary approach – our team consists of allergy doctors, clinical nurse specialists, physiologists & dieticians.

The service is committed to engaging in local, regional and national clinical audit and research to ensure that we provide an evidence-based service to the users.

Consultation, diagnostics & treatment plan during single visit

Consultation, diagnostics & treatment plan during single visit

Our adult allergy service is an integrated clinical and academic unit based at Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Our team can provide patients with expert advice, diagnostic tests and practical help all within a single visit to our clinic where possible. More complex testing will be arranged where necessary and takes place in a purpose-built allergy unit.

We are committed to:

  • providing most effective  clinical service to all patients under our care
  • approaching each patient as an individual, drawing on the skills of the whole team to provide holistic care
  • caring for patients in a purpose built allergy unit
  • ensuring all our clinical staff are trained & experienced specifically in managing allergy & immunotherapy 
  • organising our services around the needs of patients and their families
  • listening to our patients and adapting to their needs 
  • improving the treatment options available to our patients through an active research programme
  • fostering a learning environment, supporting the educational development of our own staff as well as other health professionals.

Teaching and training of medical students and other professionals

We receive undergraduate medical students from Queen Mary University of London and you may find some students attending the allergy outpatient and challenge clinics as part of their training programme. If you have any objection for them to be present during the consultation, then please do not hesitate to discuss this with the doctor of the nurse specialist.

In addition, we also have doctors, nurses and other students from allied professions attend our clinics and they are supervised by the consultants in the clinics. In addition, there are respiratory speciality doctors attend the clinics on Friday (supervised by Prof Rajakulasingam) and in addition, Immunology specialty registrars on rotation from Bart’s Health attend Monday morning allergy clinics (supervised by Dr Watts).