R&I Achievements
There are many things to celebrate about Research here at Homerton. To discover what we have achieved, click on the drop down boxes below!
There are many things to celebrate about Research here at Homerton. To discover what we have achieved, click on the drop down boxes below!
Our annual research conference took place on the 21st March 2024. We were lucky to hear from six amazing speakers, Dr Louise Allen, Dr Veena Mohan, Catherine Atkinson, Caroline McCallum, Dr Aoife Molloy and Professor Tony Young. It was a very insightful day, filled with lots of learning and inspiration. The conference was held in a hybrid format, and the recording has been posted on YouTube for all to watch.
We also held the poster conference a few months earlier in October 2023. We were grateful to receive 27 submissions, which showcased a range of research being conducted at the Homerton. A big thank you to both Dr Iain Reeves and Dr Peter Timms, who took the time to judge the posters submitted. Please see below for our three winners and their posters!
The Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT) department have created an app called Verbo. The app provides schools with a toolkit and access to SaLT support via a virtual platform to help communication skills in children and young people in both primary and secondary schools. Subscriptions are being provided to both schools and other settings across the country!
Verbo has also won awards, such as both the DigiLeaders Healthtech & DigiLeaders Peoples Choice Award at the Impact & Summit Awards. In addition to a Highly Commended Award at the HSJ awards! We are extremely proud of Verbo's development!
To read more about Verbo, visit the following link: Home - Verbo - A virtual speech and language toolkit for schools (verboapp.co.uk)
We celebrated Red4Research day, which aims to get as many people as possible wearing red to support those participating in and conducting research. We hosted a table at the hospital reception, where we shared information on a variety of reseach studies we are running. We would like to thank everyone who stopped to speak to us and filled in a survey. We filled 108!