Find other support services for City and Hackney residents through online interactive map
Hackney Council have developed an excellent and comprehensive online interactive Find support services map to help residents find the right support and essential services during the Covid-19 response lockdown.
The map shows who to contact for services and where to find these services in local neighbourhoods. The information online covers all services available and will be regularly updated for as long as it is needed.
The organisations displayed cover a wider range of support, services and activities; like keeping fit at home, gardening, music and other online classes, to food and prescription deliveries and advice services such as stopping smoking, employment, benefits, money, addiction and domestic abuse. A dedicated team at Hackney Council has also been set up, for people to call for urgent assistance and advice, connecting people with the services and support they need.
Map features
- A ‘search organisation’ free text field at the top of the map, to be used if you’re looking for a specific organisation
- ‘Clear map’ button to clear the filters on the left panel
- The ability to 'Download a snapshot of the data' (but we encourage people to do so regularly as the data changes daily)
- New categories in response to user feedback including
- Chat and check-in services that offer befriending, social isolation support etc
- Families including support for parents and carers, children and young people
- Staying safe and healthy including all forms of abuse, addiction and health advice
Additional support
- A video that highlights the key features of the map - for those that prefer learning in a more visual, interactive way
- A ‘digital presence guide’ - for organisations that want to create, expand or improve their online presence
Attend Anywhere virtual consultations
We are now offering video consultations to some patients who have been identified by their doctor, nurse or other health professional as potentially suitable for this type of appointment.
Traditional face to face appointments aren’t always convenient, particularly for those who need a number of appointments during their care or who struggle to travel. Sometimes it is possible to have a video consultation rather than going to hospital for these appointments. Feedback shows that many people find this more convenient and have a better experience. For some, it saves time and money as there is no need to travel; for others, it has provided an opportunity to continue their appointments whilst self-isolating.
You can join a video consultation from wherever is most convenient and comfortable for you be that your home, your work place or even your holiday. If you don’t have the required equipment you can consider asking a friend or relative to help you.
Is a video consultation suitable for me?
You will be contacted by your health care team if they believe you may benefit from a video consultation. They will ensure that your health and care can be appropriately assessed and continued in this appointment format.
You will also need access to certain equipment to be able to join a video consultation: a microphone, camera and screen. Most smartphones, tablets and laptops will be suitable.
Please note: only patients who have spoken with their clinician about using a virtual clinic and received confirmation from us of a virtual clinic consultation will be able to access virtual appointments.
Attend Anywhere
Attend Anywhere is the platform most commonly used for individual consultations by our staff.
To access your consultation, you will need:
- Access to Google Chrome or Safari
- A webcam
- A microphone
- Speakers or headphones
- A reliable connection to the internet
- A private, well-lit area where you will not be disturbed during the consultation
Video consultation instructions:
- Click on this link to the NHS England website to set-up and access the "waiting room" –
- Click on "start video call"
- Follow the instructions
- Select the appropriate waiting area and enter your details
- Wait in your private video room
Your health care provider will see you waiting and join you when they are ready.