Our Future Together

Our 2023-2028 organisational strategy aims to build on our strengths, fully develop our scope of working with our partners, and set out how Homerton Healthcare can best contribute to improving health and care over the next five years.

Our vision for 2028 is that everyone in City and Hackney will have access to outstanding care, delivered jointly with local partners and continually improved through innovation.

Our six strategic priorities provide the overarching framework for delivering the strategy. They are:

  • Improve the health and wellbeing of our communities: addressing prevention, inequality, and population health.
  • Deliver outstanding, equitable care: providing the best possible care every time, for every patient.
  • Develop happy, healthy and heard staff: ensuring our people feel valued, and able to work and thrive in the environment we provide .
  • Strengthen partnerships: expanding collaboration with new and existing partners within our community, providing joined-up services that are accessible to everyone .
  • Secure our future: ensuring future investment is focused on areas identified to improve care, experience, and environmental sustainability, whilst making the best use of resource already available.
  • Foster innovation, improvement, and learning: enhancing our learning and improving culture, using continuous improvement and technology to discover, create and innovate .

Find out more about our strategy by watching the video below.

Our strategy is underpinned by our core values of Personal, Safe, Respectful, Responsible and a fifth value Inclusive, which we added with the launch of our new strategy.

Read more about our values