Starlight ward
The children's inpatient ward has 15 beds (one of which can be used to care for children requiring one-to-one nursing) as well as a three-bed observation area. There are play facilities, treatments rooms and adolescent facilities. There is a parents' room where refreshments are provided.
The ward provides around the clock access for urgent GP referrals and children-only outpatient clinics. Many emergency admissions come via our children’s emergency assessment (CEA) unit where children may be observed for a short while, or have necessary investigations done before being either discharged home or admitted to Starlight children’s ward.
Visiting times There is open visiting for parents or primary carers. All other family members are free to visit from 10am to 8pm (unless previously discussed with the nurse-in-charge). Please be considerate and restrict the number of visitors to two at each bedside.
Staying with your child
We encourage parents to stay with their child and can provide a bed. However, because of lack of space, only one parent can stay overnight. Brothers and sisters should not stay overnight, but can visit during the day.
Please attend doctors ward rounds
The morning ward round usually starts at 10am. We appreciate parents being present to ask any questions that they may have. Ward rounds are repeated at intervals and you will have an opportunity to meet the medical team caring for your child. We can only discuss the medical condition of a child with a parent or guardian.