Video appointments
You can be seen by video for your outpatient appointments in some of our services.
Video appointments (also sometimes referred to as 'video consultations') are an easy way for you to have your appointment with the care team, without the need for you to travel to the hospital. This can save you time, money, and the difficulty of getting to the hospital.
If you're booked a video appointment, we will send you a text message or email with the URL link to join your video appointment a few hours before your appointment, all you need to do is click this to join your video appointment.
Text messages about your video appointments will come from the number 07860 039 092
If you would prefer an in-person or telephone appointment, you can request one by calling the phone number on your appointment letter.
About our video appointment provider
We have partnered with DrDoctor to deliver this service to you.
DrDoctor is a web-based service that provides the platform for our video appointments.
It also sends appointment reminders via text, and allows you to view and manage upcoming appointments, you can read more about using DrDoctor to manage your outpatient appointments on our main outpatients page.
We will be launching this new service on 24 March 2025. If you have a video appointment booked after this date, you'll be sent a link to join your appointment from the new system.