Lung Services

We provide care for patients with suspected, or diagnosed, cancer of the thoracic organs which include the lungs, mediastinum and pleura as well as and secondary cancer within the chest. 

A joint multi-disciplinary lung cancer team looks after patients and provides various types of diagnostic tests and treatment including oncological therapies, thoracic surgery and palliative care. We work closely with Barts Health Trust and patients might have further tests or treatments at Barts Health.

GPs may send their patients for a chest x-ray in the X-ray department. Any x-rays reported as suspicious for cancer will be recalled to the chest outpatient clinic within 2 weeks, or they may be called back to the X-ray department to have a CT scan Patients may also be referred by other teams after a hospital attendance or admission

Services available

If your GP thinks your symptoms may be due to lung cancer, you will be given an appointment to have a test such as a CT scan and/or see one of our specialists promptly, usually within two weeks. 

It is important to remember that these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than cancer. 

What to expect at your appointment

You will be sent an urgent appointment to be seen in the chest clinic. For the initial appointment, 2 – 3 hours may be needed as a blood test, CT scan and lung function tests may occur on the day (if not already done earlier).


You may have tests and investigations on the same day or at a later date.


You will see a Lung consultant or doctor who will ask you about your symptoms and examine you. They will explain your treatment plan and the investigations you may need.


You will be introduced to the lung clinical nurse specialist (CNS) who will be your key worker. They will explain your test and treatment options and support you and your family throughout your care. Sometimes, they may contact you by telephone after you have seen the doctor.

Investigations may take place at Homerton, Barts Hospital or sometimes, at Whittington Hospital. Patients who require surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for lung cancer will be referred to St Bartholomew’s Hospital

Tests and Investigations

At your first appointment you may have one or more of the following tests or you may be asked to return at a later date. They help us to find out whether you have cancer and to assess your treatment options. As mentioned above some investigations may take place prior to your first outpatient appointment.

Routine investigations 

  • Blood tests, to help diagnose your condition
  • A Computerised tomography (CT)scan, uses computerised x-rays to take images of the body at different angles
  • Bronchoscopy, test uses a long flexible tube with a light attached to it (bronchoscope) to look inside the lungs. You may have a special type of bronchoscopy known as Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS)
  • CT guided biopsy: biopsies of pulmonary and pleural nodules/masses under CT guidance
  • Lung function tests, which measure the lungs’ capacity and how quickly air can move in and out, as well as a looking at how well lungs add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the blood. 

Some investigations may take place prior to the outpatient appointment.

Further tests, which only some people will need, may include:

  • Fine needle aspiration of glands in the neck, a thin needle is used to take out some material from the glands; this feels like a blood test from the neck but takes a little longer
  • Pleural aspiration and biopsy, needles are used to draw out fluid from the chest (if there is any) and small samples are taken for testing from inside the chest wall
  • A positron emission tomography (PET) scan, shows how body tissues are working and what they look like, this is usually done at St Bartholomew’s Hospital
  • Ultrasound scan, is an investigation that uses sound waves to build up a picture of the inside of the body
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, uses strong magnetic field and radio waves to build up a picture of soft tissues inside the body, instead of X-rays
  • Ventilation–perfusion V/Q scan, is a radiological procedure used to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism, it may also be used to monitor treatment. This is usually done at Whittington Hospital or Barts Hospital
  • Bone scan looks for abnormalities in the bones. In cases of cancer, the whole body may need to be scanned. This is usually done at Whittington Hospital or Barts Hospital.

Appointments and Contacts

Making an appointment
The lung clinic is usually held on Tuesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

How to contact us
To change or cancel an appointment, please contact central booking department on 020 8510 5544.
For urgent enquiries contact the respiratory secretary on 020 8510 5190
We usually send you appointment letters for tests, investigations or treatments by either by post or text message.

Ongoing support

You will be given written information about the type of cancer you have, your treatment options and other sources of support such as Homerton Macmillan Information and Support Service, Psychological service .financial services etc.

The Lung Clinical Nurse Specialist offers:

  • advice on treatment options
  • information on any investigations
  • referral to another team member
  • information on local support groups
  • information on relevant websites and charities


The Homerton Team is part of a larger “Inner East London” Team which meets every Tuesday at Bart’s Hospital. The following people regularly attend this “Inner East London” multi-disciplinary meeting:

Dr Angshu Bhowmik (Thoracic)
Consultant physician and Honorary Senior Lecturer with a special interest in COPD and Lead lung cancer specialist Homerton Lead for Cancer Services

Dr Josh Agbetile (Thoracic and obstructive sleep apnoea) 
Consultant Physician in respiratory and general medicine with a special interest in sleep-disordered breathing, non-invasive ventilation and general respiratory medicine.

Dr Raluca Macavei – (Thoracic and obstructive sleep apnoea)

Dr Matthew Burman – (Thoracic Medicine and TB)

Dr Jack Callum – (Thoracic Medicine, TB and Interstitial Lung Disease)

Mr Tim Batchelor and colleagues
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeons based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr John Conibear
Consultant Clinical Oncologists based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr Lousie Lim
Consultant Medical Oncologist based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Prof M Sheaff and colleagues
Consultant Pathologists based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr Santino Capocci – Thoracic and TB

Miss Henrietta and Mr Kelvin Lau
Consultant Cardiothoracic Surgeons based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Ms Henritta Wilson
Thoracic surgeon based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr Paula Wells
Consultant Clinical Oncologists based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital. Every Tuesday afternoon specialist outpatient clinic held at the Homerton Hospital

Dr Stephen Ellis, Dr Zelena Aziz, Dr Anu Balan, Dr Emma Cheasty and Dr Christoph Juli
Consultant Radiologists based at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr Ewa Nowosinska
Consultant Specialising in PET scans at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

Dr Sayan Sarkar
Consultant Radiologist based at Homerton Hospital

Dr David Feuer
Consultant in Palliative Care at Homerton Hospital

Ms Anderia  Saraiva
Ms Katherine Everett
Lung Clinical Nurse Specialist
Mobile: 07788 226 556
Bleep: 020 8510 5555 Bleep 018

There are other team members from St. Bartholomew’s Hospital, Whipps Cross University Hospital and Newham University Hospital (Bart’s Health) who also attend the multi-disciplinary meeting.

Elizabeth George
AOS/ CUP/Associate Lung CNS
020 8510 5555 Bleep: 437

Extended team members at Homerton
Macmillan Cancer Support Worker
Shehnaz Ahad
They help the Clinical Nurse Specialist (Key worker) in their day to-day activities but can help with administrative queries or to leave a message for the CNSs’.
As they are not medically qualified, they are unable to give medical advice.Telephone: 020 8510 8968

Mr John Oniye and Ms Lorraine Gannon
Secretaries to Dr Bhowmik, Dr Agbetile and Dr Macavei
Telephone: 020 8510 7814
Office Hours – 7am to 3pm Monday to Friday

Ms Jaan Begum
Lung MDT Coordinator

Support available

How we support you

Cancer - seeing a cancer psychologist.pdf

Dr Sue Gibbons (maternity cover)
Lead Psychologist in Cancer & Palliative Care
Working days: Monday – Thursday

Libby Shuttleworth
Clinical Psychologist 
Working Time: 9.30 – 5.30pm
Contact Details:
Tel: 020 8510 5350
mobile: 07825 118 871 

Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Centre

Cancer - Macmillan support leaflet.pdf

Open between 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Based at the main entrance of the hospital.  We are at the end of the phone for cancer patients, their relatives and carers to answer your questions or to direct your call to the appropriate person. We want to make sure that you get all the assistance you need to live well with – and after – cancer. There’s a wide range of support available to help you cope with cancer, including physical, emotional and practical advice for you, your family, friends and carers.

Madhu Agarwal
Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Manager
020 8510 5191 (Mon, Tues, Thurs & Friday 8am – 4pm)

Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation

Prehabilitation is an element of rehabilitation where your journey to recovery starts before your surgery or treatment has even begun. It helps you prepare for your upcoming treatment and improve your health and fitness. Rehabilitation is similar but occurs after the surgery or treatment. 

Our prehab/rehab team consists of:

  • Jody Dalanno Physiotherapist
  • Safina Ahmed Dietician
  • Magda Chworowska Prehabilitation Technician

Financial Support at Homerton
Macmillan Toynbee Hall Welfare Rights Service
Telephone: 020 7392 2958
Welfare support by appointments only available on Tuesday 1pm – 4pm and Wednesday 9.30 am -12.30pm.