Learning disability and Autism service
We know that coming to the hospital can be a worrying time for anyone and we want to improve our services for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
We know that coming to the hospital can be a worrying time for anyone and we want to improve our services for people with a learning disability and autistic people.
Autistic people and people with a learning disability can find it difficult to access health services like going to their GP or for a dentist’s appointment. They tend to have worse health and die younger than people without a Learning disability or Autism.
It is important that health services promote good health for all people by making sure services are accessible to everyone.
Jody Barrientos is the Health Inclusion lead for Primary Care and Community (for people aged 14+, with a Learning Disability and / or Autism) and she works across the City and Hackney.
Jody can help with:
You can call or text Jody on 07917856551 or email at jody.barrientos@nhs.net
A health passport is a document about people and their health need, but It also has other useful information, such as interests, likes, dislikes, how people like to communicate and any reasonable adjustments that they might need.
Rethink Advocacy is passionate and committed to supporting people to ensure they have a good quality of life. Their aim is to support both people who are confident to speak up for themselves with support or to represent their views for them when they cannot.
In Hackney they provide the following services:
You can download an easy read leaflet about advocacy here