Continence Service

The service assists parents / carers with the management of day or night wetting and bowel soiling habits. It is available to every child 4 to 18 years in the boroughs of City of London and Hackney and it includes two clinics: the Paediatric Continence clinic and the Toileting Advisory clinic.
The Community Paediatric Continence Clinic
We accept referrals for assessment and management of children with night-time wetting with or without daytime symptoms. The service can offer pre and post void ultrasounds for assessment and treatment options including alarms and medication. Complex and resistant cases are referred to the Evelina Children’s Hospital for third tier input.
Children with constipation or faecal soiling without urinary symptoms are not seen in this clinic. They will be seen in Homerton Hospital following from a referral from their GP.
The Toileting Advisory clinic
We assist parents / carers with
- advice on bladder / bowel training
- strategies for potty / toilet training
- dietary guidance
- containment products for bladder and bowel incontinence
Anyone may make a referral for children over 4 years with bowel or urinary continence problems.
Once the child or young person is accepted into the clinic, they will be offered an appointment to be seen by either the paediatrician or specialist nurse in one of our Enuresis, Continence and Toileting clinics depending on the problem.
Further information contact
Toileting Advisory clinic 020 7014 7170
Paediatric Continence clinic Administrator 020 7014 7002 or 7004