Library Services for ELFT staff

The Newcomb Library provides Library and Knowledge Services for all ELFT staff.

Please note that the forms on this webpage work best with the Chrome browser.  Alternatively, please email the Newcomb Library with your request.

How to access bibliographic databases

Searching bibliographic databases

If you would like to quickly find journal literature and other evidence, please use the new NHS Knowledge and Library Hub 

The following bibliographic databases are available:

AMED – allied and complementary medicine including palliative care

BNI – nursing, midwifery and community healthcare

CINAHL – nursing and allied health

Embase – biomedical and pharmaceutical literature

Emcare – nursing and allied health

HMIC – healthcare management

Medline – biomedical, life sciences, allied health and pre-clinical sciences literature

PsycInfo – psychology, behavioural sciences and related disciplines

Social Policy and Practice – health and social care

These databases can be found on the native interfaces as below

EBSCO  CINAHL, Medline and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

ProQuest  BNI, Medline, APA PsycArticles, PsychInfo

Wolters Kluwer (Ovid) Embase, Emcare, HMIC, Medline and Social Policy and Practice

If you would like to search the healthcare databases systematically, please contact Newcomb Library and librarians can perform a search on your behalf or train you in how to find the evidence you need using the native interfaces.

You will need an NHS OpenAthens account to access the search interfaces.

Please also use these guides about each of the database search interfaces:

ProQuest Guide February 2022.pdf [pdf] 2MB

EBSCO Guide February 2022.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Ovid Guide February 2022.pdf [pdf] 1MB

or try the e-learning programme, How to Search the Literature Effectively

Try also the Trip Database which is a freely accessible portal that searches evaluated sites for evidence-based healthcare information, and finds evidence quickly.

Access STAHL Online

Stahl Online is a one-stop shop, covering everything a mental health professional or teacher will ever need to know about neuropsychopharmacology. Comprehensive and regularly updated, Stahl Online provides full access to the entire current portfolio of books by Dr Stephen M. Stahl.

Access here

Need to find a journal? Want to read an article?

Need to find an article? Need to browse and read journals quickly and easily? 

Try BrowZine - a tool which enables you to browse, read and monitor current journal content on your mobile device, laptop or desktop PC.  View tables of contents, read articles as new issues are published, or read previous issues.

BrowZine logo Search ejournals Title, ISSN or Subject keywords


Quick tip: Login to your OpenAthens account first when using BrowZine

Download the BrowZine app for mobile access.

You can find an article by DOI or by PMID here


EBSCO Journals A-Z`You can also search for journals using EBSCO's publication finder Journals A-Z. either by using the search box or the A-Z publications by name on the Home page

Looking for a book?

Library catalogue

Search the Newcomb Library catalogue for books and ebooks 

December Books of the month


Book cover


Book of the month for #worldsoilday

The year of sitting dangerously : my garden safari

By Simon Barnes

 In the autumn of 2020, Simon Barnes should have been leading a safari in Zambia, but Covid restrictions meant his plans had to be put on hold. Instead, he embarked on the only voyage of discovery that was still open to him. He walked to a folding chair at the bottom of his garden, and sat down. His itinerary: to sit in that very same spot every day for a year and to see - and hear - what happened all around him. It would be a stationary garden safari; his year of sitting dangerously had begun. For the next twelve months, he would watch as the world around him changed day by day. Gradually, he began to see his surroundings in a new way; by restricting himself, he opened up new horizons, growing even closer to a world he thought he already knew so well.

please check out our Green reading list


Book cover

ebook of the month for #International Day of People with Disabilities

Positively purple : build an inclusive world where people with disabilities can flourish

by Kate Nash

Develop an inclusive culture where people can flourish in the world of business while navigating the experience of ill health, disability, accident or injury.

Access here, using your NHS OpenAthens account


 Book cover

Wellbeing book of the month

The Joy of Wintering: How to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate with creativity and conscious living

by Erin Niimi Longhurst

How to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate through practical lessons, creativity and conscious living.

The Joy of Wintering celebrates the ways in which the joys of spring are made possible at any stage of life by periods of rest and recuperation.

Through practical tips and lessons from cultures with a strong wintering tradition, learn why rest should be celebrated not stigmatised, and how to live more consciously and compassionately.

So many of us have experienced periods of burnout, influenced by a range of factors. This book is a rallying cry to make space for times of feast and fallow to improve productivity, make space for creativity and finding your presence in moments of clarity.

If you’d like to recommend a book, contact us at

Confused by ebooks?  Have a look at our guide

 Quick guide to ebooks October24 v3.pdf [pdf] 818KB

Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry/Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures

Maudsley Prescribing Guildelines for Psychiatry logo

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry  

The essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents. Covering both common and complex prescribing situations encountered in day-to-day clinical practice, this comprehensive resource provides expert guidance on drug choice, minimum and maximum doses, adverse effects, switching medications, prescribing for special patient groups, and more. 

Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures logo

The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures

Provides over 350 evidence-based clinical skills procedures related to essential aspects of a person’s care, based on the latest research findings and advice from clinical experts.

Many procedures have illustrations to explain procedures and can be used for teaching.  There is no mobile app, but the manual is designed to work on mobile devices. 

Please log in with your NHS OpenAthens username and password.

Critical appraisal elearning programme

Need to know more about the Critical Appraisal process? Critical appraisal blue icon

The critical appraisal e-learning programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research.

Access the elearning programme here

There are 8 modules which each take approximately 30 minutes - you can either do the whole programme or the module you require.  Please use your NHS OpenAthens account to enrol on the elearning programme.

1. Introduction to Critical Appraisal
2. Health Inequalities
3. Randomised Controlled Trials
4. Interpreting Results
5. Systematic Reviews
6. Qualitative Studies
7. Diagnostic Studies
8. Critical Appraisal Tools

For further information about other elearning courses, please download this leaflet

eLearning Flyer May 23 _2_.pdf [pdf] 401KB

Also. watch a series of training videos on Critical Appraisal of an RCT using CASP checklist on YouTube from Barts Health Knowledge and Library Services

OUP collection - core textbooks and handbooks

NHS staff and students on placement now have online access to a national collection of over 150 medical titles from Oxford University Press including Handbooks,Textbooks and Emergencies In series. Funded by NHS England the collection has access to Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, New Oxford Textbook of Pyschiatry and Emergencies in Psychiatry.

Download the NHS-OUP National Collection - Full title list.  This can be filtered by specialism and clicking on the title links will direct you to an NHS OpenAthens sign-in link.  NHS-Collection-all-titles.xlsx [xlsx] 34KB

You can also use the  Oxford Academic sign-in link to access the NHS core collection Once signed in, you can filter by format=book on the left side of the screen to display the full titles only.

Homepages for Oxford Medical Textbooks and Oxford Medical Handbooks

Download a new doctor flyer NHS-OUP New Doctor Induction flyer.pdf [pdf] 1MB

We also have many OUP titles available for loan from the library - search the Newcomb Library catalogue

Keep up to date with KnowledgeShare

A million decisions are made every day in the NHS. Ensure you make the right ones!

KnowledgeShare logo

Sign up to KnowledgeShare and receive highly-targeted evidence updates every fortnight. You tell us what your interests are (broad or narrow), what setting you work in, what your role is and we do the rest - helping you stay up to date, saving you time and connecting you with relevant evidence.

Register for a KnowledgeShare profile 

Already signed up to KnowledgeShare?   Log in with your NHS OpenAthens username and password?

Need to request an article?

Before you request an article, please make sure you check that it is not already available with your NHS OpenAthens username and password.

To check, please go to Journals A-Z and search for the journal your article is in.  Remember to  login to your OpenAthens account at the top right of the page.

Find an article by DOI by PMID   

Once you have checked, fill in this form to request an article:

Newcomb Library request an article form


Contact about any training needs you may have. Or use the online booking form below. 

We can show you how to find relevant research from healthcare databases and other sources, especially if you have a topic in mind, either individually or in groups via MS Teams or in person.

Online learning

Online courses to help you use evidence and knowledge to make good decisions, improve your research skills and achieve health improvements:

Literature searching

New to literature searches? Try the  How to search the literature effectively elearning programme, designed to help you build confidence to search published literature for articles and evidence relevant to your work, study and research, whether you're in a clinical or non clinical role.

Need to critically appraise an article?

The critical appraisal e-learning programme has been designed to enable the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) to build confidence in the critical appraisal process when applying and evaluating research.

Health Literacy - you can make a difference

A free course designed for anyone in health or social care working with patients, families and carers.  Nearly half the adults in England (43%) struggle to read and understand health information. When that information includes word and numbers, that rises to 61%. This means important details, such as how to take medicines and dosage, understanding appointment letters and test results can be missed. And not everyone feels confident to say when they don’t understand.

For further information about other elearning courses, please download this leaflet

eLearning Flyer May 23 _2_.pdf [pdf] 401KB

Training request

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

Request a book

If you would like to request a inter-library loan for a book that is not available in the Newcomb Library catalogue, please complete the form below.  

Please make sure you have checked that your item is not in stock in the catalogue before submitting your request.

Newcomb Library request a book form




Literature Searches for East London staff

If you are searching the literature for a work-related project, this can be both challenging and time-consuming. Our Literature Search service uses the skills and expertise of qualified librarians who carry out searches on your behalf. 

To request a literature search, complete the form

Newcomb Library Literature Search Form


You can learn how to do a literature search online at:


How to download BMJ Best Practice app

Want to download the    BMJ Best Practice App?                                                            

1. Go to the  BMJ Best Practice  website. Click on "Log-in",  Select 'Access through your institution' Type in search box 'NHS in England'.

2. Click  "Create account"  for a personal account or "Log in" if you already have an account.

3. Visit the  Apple or Google Play  store to search for and download the app.

4. Use your  BMJ Best Practice "personal account"  details to sign in and download the content.

Log into BMJ Best Practice here

Watch a quick video  on how to download the BMJ Best Practice app via OpenAthens:

Interactive postgraduate doctor toolkit -  essential resources from BMJ to support postgraduate doctors during their inductions and rotations.   NHSE-Postgraduate-Doctor-Toolkit-2023.pdf [pdf] 580KB

Learn more about  BMJ Best Practice