Shafiqul Alam - Public constituency (Hackney)

First elected as a Public Governor during the pandemic, Shafiqul has witnessed the Trust's significant recent achievements, for instance in the field of community care and the publication of its 5-year Strategic Plan. Since joining, Shafiqul has championed several matters raised by the local community which have resulted in tangible improvements.

Shafiqul has 24 years of experience working in hospitals and other healthcare settings and has qualifications in Health and Social Care Management, Accounting & Finance, Project and Human Resource Management. 

Malcolm Alexander - Public constituency (Hackney)

Malcolm has been involved in health campaigns for many years, and has also run local and national bodies with statutory powers to monitor the NHS and social care. He taught public involvement Master’s courses at Westminster University and has a Masters in Community Development, Anthropology and Human Rights Law.’

Malcolm actively supported and led public involvement campaigns including saving St Leonard’s Hospital, and developed Casualty Watch, which monitored A&E and led to major improvements in emergency care. He wrote Hackney’s 'Complaints Charter' which was signed by Homerton Healthcare, London Borough of Hackney, and the East London Foundation Trust.

His priorities include ensuring  maximum A&E wait for admission or discharge is 4 hours; ensuring equality for all service users accessing healthcare including asylum seekers; ensuring patients with physical and mental health conditions are treated equally; championing the redevelopment of St Leonard's Hospital to ensure excellent community care and reducing the use of agency staff.

Clare Bennett - Public constituency (Hackney)

Homerton is my local hospital, it has given me treatment and care, not often but at critical times over the last 30 years. I would like to put the rich and varied experiences and skills of a now retired teacher into serving the Trust, its staff, and patients. I feel that I can make creative and useful contributions to the discussions, decisions and policies that will take place. Furthermore, I would very much appreciate being of use and would enjoy and value being with diverse groups of people who are working together to improve health outcomes.

Jane Hughes - Public constituency (Hackney)

I am volunteering as a Homerton Governor because I care deeply about the NHS and want to help ensure patients get the best possible care. As a Homerton patient, I’ve been impressed by the quality of care and compassion of everyone there. I hope that experience, along with my professional expertise will benefit the Trust. I was BBC Health Correspondent and have been Communications Director for various health-related organisations including mental health and nursing charities, giving me insight into many of the issues facing the NHS. I hope to use my experience to help support high quality care at  Homerton.


Dr Coral Jones - Public constituency (Hackney)

Homerton is an excellent general hospital and I would be proud to be re-elected as a Hackney public governor.

My priorities are to:

  • support integration between the Trust, Hackney Council and local GPs to provide seamless services for patients
  • prioritise mental health and open local beds
  • highlight risks if the NE London Integrated Care System prioritises NEL wide issues to the detriment of Hackney patients and the hospital
  • say NO to private flats and YES to a 'Peoples Plan' for re-development of the St Leonard's site with more health services
  • listen and represent public views on development of Homerton community..


Aron Klein - Public constituency (Hackney)

I will be the advocate between the orthodox Jewish community and Homerton hospital.

Laura Pascal - Public constituency (Hackney)

Given the challenges facing all NHS services in these difficult economic times I think it is more imperative than ever that members of the public hold our officials to account.

I have lived in Hackney for over a decade and been both an inpatient and outpatient at Homerton. It is important to me that the broadly high standards in the Trust are maintained and I would work hard as a public governor to do my part.

I am particularly passionate about ensuring the rights and dignity of female patients are considered at all times by the Trust.


Stephen Sartain - Public constituency (Hackney)

I have been a member of the Homerton for 10 years: I've lived in Hackney all my life, have been a Councillor/ Chair of School Governors'/Chair of a Tenants' Assn and I am a Welfare Benefit Advisor and have a Law Degree. I feel I can bring the skills of assisting people and helping to resolve problems and assist in commitment to the Homerton. I have been a Patient in Barts in the past and took part in the save Barts Campaign in the 1990s. I am very passionate about the NHS and support our staff and would give 100%.

Saleem Siddiqui – Public constituency (Hackney)

I am a retired chemist and have latterly worked in journalism and research.

As a public governor, I am passionate about healthcare and during these challenging times I believe residents require someone who’s willing to scrutinise in a constructive manner to ensure the resources go where they are most needed. This includes holding the Non-Executive Directors to account.

I have the time and commitment as well 24 years’ experience gained as a Hackney Councillor, during which I also served as Mayor twice. I am honoured to continue to serve you.

In 2013 I was honoured to receive Freedom of the Borough from Hackney Council in view of my contribution to community services in Hackney.

Jo Boait – Public constituency (City)

I am a Barbican resident, working at board level as a Corporate Governance professional in the financial services industry. As a Public Governor for the City of London, my role is to represent the interests of members and the public and help the Board ensure that this highly rated hospital continues to be a key facility for the local and wider community. 

In February 2020 I was elected to be Lead Governor by my fellow Governors and am using my experience to facilitate the development of a structured framework that should ensure that it is clear how the Governors fulfil their statutory duties and comply with good governance practices.

James Torr – Public constituency (City)

A City resident since 1992, a non-practising solicitor and a Homerton governor in 2007/2010 and 2019/22, I have worked in the family support sector and served as Chair of the City of London Parents’ Group and as Trustee of two community charities.

Working with directors and fellow governors to interpret the impact of public health data, I am seeking re-election to advance the healthcare interests of all area residents. Service delivery sensitive to local needs advances individual and community wellbeing.

The co-production by governors and providers of evidence-based measures to address proven area health inequalities works for everybody.

Patricia Towey - Public constituency (Outer)

I am a first-generation immigrant and a retired Health care worker.

Many members of my close family have experienced significant health issues some of which are ongoing. I know first-hand how important good health care is.

I have sat on committees and worked at the MDU as a Claims Handler so have spent many hours reading legal documents and managing medical mishaps.

I have the time, energy and will to facilitate first class care at the Homerton Hospital.


Malcolm Weston - Public constituency (Outer)

I believe with my business, governance, networking and community experience I can make an effective contribution as a member of the Council of Governors; Help the Trust live its values, be responsive and accountable to its patients, the local community, staff and partners; Act as a link between the Trust and the community and bring a local and outer area perspective to the planning and development of the services the Trust provides; Contribute to the Trust’s priorities, strategic direction and policies; Hold the executives to account for the performance of the Trust and compliance to statutory regulations.

Guy Sumali - Staff (clinical)

I'm a local Hackney resident and Occupational Therapist at Homerton Hospital, deeply committed to our community's well-being. With firsthand experience, I'll bridge patient-staff gaps, ensuring tailored care. Let's collaborate for better patient experiences, reduced wait times, and improved outcomes. Together, we'll champion mental health awareness, preventive care, and accessibility. Your vote empowers change for Homerton Hospital's future. Thank you for your support.

Dr Rifat Qureshi - Staff (clinical)

Having worked in the NHS for many years, I’m passionate about its values and preservation.  Homerton Healthcare is truly the heart of its serving community, with dedicated staff who provide the best care and support to patients in a safe and respectful environment.

I would be privileged for the opportunity to represent the views of staff and patients, so that the Trust can maintain its commitment for developing its resources to meet the increase needs and priorities of its staff and the wider community.


Dr Sharon Ellis - Queen Mary University of London

Sharon is the Chief Operations Officer of Queen Mary University of London, responsible for much of the university’s professional services team that supports education, research and knowledge exchange.

Sharon worked previously at various government departments (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Trade and Industry, Transport) in roles related to research management, business efficiency and European negotiation and policy delivery.

In her last role before leaving the civil service, Sharon was the Director of International Science and Innovation at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. There she was responsible for policies related to science and innovation in the context of EU Exit and wider international partnerships, and departmental sponsorship of a number of public sector research establishments including:

  • the UK Space Agency
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • Met Office

Sharon Ellis holds a PhD in Climate Change from the University of Birmingham. She is a graduate of the UK Civil Service’s Senior Leaders Scheme, an accelerated development programme for leaders, and a current University of Cambridge policy fellow.

Terry Stewart – Healthwatch Hackney

Terry was born and educated in Belfast. After coming to England Terry gained a degree in sociology, along with a professional qualification in research at the University of East London.

During 47 years of service in the NHS, local authority social care, community engagement, youth work, disability and advocacy he has campaigned on many health and social issues, and on human rights. This includes involvement in the Irish community, specifically around the Traveller community. Now retired, he continues to engage as a member of The Independent Advisory Group (Hackney Police), as an LGBT+ Representative.

Terry continues to work as a patient representative alongside NHS England in developing Patients' Participation Strategy and greater engagement between clinicians, academics and NHS management teams.

Councillor Carole Williams - London Borough of Hackney

Councillor Carole Williams was first elected as a Hackney Councillor in 2002 and has stood and won each election since.

In 2016, Councillor Williams was appointed by the Mayor of Hackney of Hackney as the borough’s first ever Cabinet member for Employment, Skills, and Human Resources. Her portfolio is broad ranging, covering adult learning, volunteering, vulnerable migrants, trade unions and refugees and, in 2019, Hackney's response to the Windrush scandal - making her the first lead member for Windrush across the country.

Having led the equalities portfolio since 2016, Councillor Williams is at the forefront of the council’s anti-racism work and the Review, Rename, Reclaim work to make Hackney’s public spaces more representative of the communities that live here.