
The hypertension team deals with the treatment and management of high blood pressure. Treatments are offered on an outpatient basis.

It is important that you attend your GP surgery at least once every 5 years to have your blood pressure checked, although an annual check up is preferable.

If your blood pressure is found to be higher than the recommended level (140/90) then your GP may ask you to make some lifestyle changes that will help to reduce your blood pressure. They may also start you on some medicines to help control your blood pressure.

If your blood pressure is very difficult to control your GP may suggest referral to the high blood pressure clinic (the hypertension clinic) but it is important to remember that most people with high blood pressure can be managed effectively by their GP.

For more information visit the Blood Pressure Association.

Services available

  • consultant led clinics
  • nurse led clinics
  • specialist advice on high blood pressure in pregnancy
  • informal information and support sessions for patients
  • lifestyle advice and goal setting based on the latest research
  • access to specialist investigations
  • concordance evaluation (Medical Day Unit)
  • access to specialist investigations including:
    • 24 hour blood pressure monitoring
    • ECG 
    • echocardiogram
    • renal ultrasound
    • renogram/captopril renogram 
    • renin/aldosterone 
    • urinary drug assays 
    • urinary catecholamines

Making an appointment

Apointments can be made by you or your GP via The Electronic Referral Service (e-RS). We are based in the outpatient department.

Clinic details
Monday morning consultant-led hypertension clinic alternate weeks
Monday morning Nurse led hypertension clinic new and follow up patients
Tuesday morning nurse-led hypertension clinic new and follow up patients
Tuesday afternoon consultant-led hypertension clinic  new and follow up patients
Wednesday morning  nurse led hypertension clinic  follow up patients
Thursday afternoon  ante-natal hypertension clinic  new and follow up patients
Friday morning and afternoon  consultant-led hypertension clinic  follow up patients alternate weeks

How to contact us

To change or cancel an appointment please contact the outpatients department on
020 8510 5544.

Key staff
Debra Walter
Hypertension secretary