5 Digits Extensions
5 Digit Extension
Currently, the organisation is using two different phone systems. Once these systems are combined or "migrated," there could be an issue with overlapping phone extensions. To solve this, the organization is changing to a new system where each internal phone extension will have five digits instead of the previous 4 digits.
To differentiate between locations, all internal phone extensions at the Homerton location will start with the number 8, and those at the Community site will start with 7. For example, if both locations have an extension numbered 7030, they will be changed to:
- 87030 for Homerton
- 77030 for the Community site
This update will only affect internal extensions and won’t change how external callers reach the organization. External numbers (known as DDIs, or Direct Dial-In numbers) will remain the same. For instance, someone outside the organisation can still reach the new extension 87030 at Homerton by dialing the existing external number 0208 510 7030. For the community sites you can still reach new extension 77030 by dailing the existing external number 0207 683 7030.
Additionally, emergency contact numbers like 2222 and 3333, and the bleep system numbers 315 and 316, will not be changed under this new system. These will continue to function as they currently do without any alteration to their numbering.
For further information please contact huh-tr.telecoms.migration@nhs.net.