Due to the COVID19 outbreak, we are aware that some people are unable to access timely vitamin B12 injections. The BOMSS website offers some practical guidance on the use of oral vitamin B12 in the short term.

We strongly recommend that people return to vitamin B12 injections as soon as is practically possible.

Information for GPs

These pages are designed for GPs who are seeking information regarding the management of patients who have had bariatric surgery. The information is broken up into sections. Here is the Transfer of Care for GPs booklet and here is the Bariatric surgery - Transfer of care leaflet that we give to patients

The RCGPs Ten top tips for the management of patients post bariatric surgery in primary care is a useful, easy-read guide of considerations to take in the management of a bariatric surgery patient. For information on the different operations, please use the appropriate tabs on the side bar (link: gastric band, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass).

The Homerton Bariatric Service pathway is for patients to be transferred back to the care of their GP after 2 years of post-operative care. If there are any concerns, the GP is welcome to contact us for guidance, or to refer them back to our care.