Please note that if you are referring a patient they need to be in the clinic before 4pm.
Other information for patients
Please advise patients that they will need to book an appointment for a blood test by using the following link: Alternatively, please advise them to visit the Homerton webpage and ‘Book an appointment’ under the Phlebotomy Service page.
If patients are unable to book their appointment online, please advise them to call 020 7683 4070 (Mon -Fri 8am-4pm)
Children 11 and Under – To book an appointment at Starlight Outpatient’s. (Please provide parents with Blood Form)
Children 12 and over, please book online for main blood clinic.
Children 16 and under with learning disabilities or learning difficulties can be booked into Starlight Outpatient’s.
Please ensure that patients are provided information about fasting for blood tests if and when required.
For general enquiries and other matters please call the phlebotomy team on 07342 068 763.