The Podiatry service specialises in assessing and treating problems of the lower limb particularly of the foot and ankle. Our podiatrists aim to maintain and promote good foot health within the population of Hackney in order to help sustain mobility, independence and reduce pain. 

We can assess a patient’s foot problem and provide them with treatment and self-care advice as appropriate to their individual needs. Our service strives to support patients to self-manage their foot problems in order to improve and increase control over their foot health.

What does the service do?
Hackney is a very diverse borough and we understand that different groups of people need different types of care. Our service therefore offers an extensive range of treatments.

Treatment of foot pain
Podiatrists can help diagnose foot pain by assessing a patient’s foot structure, gait analysis and alleviate pain through the prescription of orthotics or innersoles.

Treatment of the high-risk foot
Podiatrists play an important role in caring for patients that are at risk of foot problems. These patients can be at risk of foot ulcers, infection and possible amputation and therefore take priority over our lower risk patients. Many conditions can put a person at high risk including diabetes, circulation problems and rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment of skin and nail conditions of the foot
Our service only provides this service to those patients with both a medical and podiatric clinical need.

Toenail surgery
Some persistent nail conditions, e.g. ingrown toenails, can be permanently resolved through a minor surgical procedure carried out under local anaesthetic.

Foot surgery
Our Consultant led Podiatric Surgery service provides treatment for a full spectrum of foot and ankle conditions. The service undertakes for both elective foot surgery cases and emergency foot surgery for high risk patients.

The Footwear Service provides therapeutic footwear for patients with congenital or acquired deformity, systemic conditions (e.g. diabetes) and accommodation of developmental abnormalities.

This podcast in collaboration with the Bath Institute for Rheumatic Disease is focused for patients with rheumatological and musculoskeletal issues of the foot and ankle and how they can best self-manage and refer themselves onto the relevant specialist involved.  The podcasts dive into the world of rheumatology podiatry giving us a valuable insight into the importance of good foot health in people with rheumatology conditions. Though intended for patient use, it can also be valuable for professionals as it will answer some of their own clinical queries and thoughts helping to improve foot health in this population.

You can listen to the podcasts here - Podcasts Bath Institute for Rheumatic Diseases