A man is smiling at the camera, on a bright yellow background with the text Make 2025 the year you quit smoking. We can help you quit for good.

It’s never too late to quit smoking. Even if you’ve tried quitting before, give it another go this New Year.

When you stop smoking, there are almost immediate improvements to your health and there’s no need to go it alone – it’s much easier to stop smoking when you get the right support and there are lots of options to choose from.

Getting free expert support from our Tobacco Dependence Treatment service if you're a Homerton impatient, or  your local stop smoking service if not, will give you the best chance of quitting successfully.

Our Tobacco Dependence Treatment service can provide free nicotine replacement therapy products to help you manage nicotine cravings without the harmful chemics in tobacco products. 

NHS Better Health also offers a range of free quitting support including the NHS Quit Smoking app, personal quit plan, 28-day email programme, local stop smoking service look-up tool, as well as advice on stop smoking aids.

Homerton Healthcare is smoke-free

This means that smoking is not permitted anywhere on our sites or grounds. That includes all our hospital and buildings, as well as their grounds, doorways, and entrances. We also ask you not to smoke when our staff visit your home; whilst staff are in your home it is important their working conditions remains smoke-free. This makes sure we’re protecting you, other patients, visitors, and staff from the health harms of smoking.

Vaping or the use of e-cigarettes is only permitted two metres from entrances and windows.

Benefits to stopping smoking

Once you stop smoking your body starts getting the poisoned chemicals out of your body. After one month your breathing, heart rate, circulation, sense of taste and smell improves, you feel stronger and more energetic. Plus, the average smoker can also save over £156 a month or £1,875 a year by stopping smoking!

Nicotine is very addictive

The greatest harm from smoking comes from inhaling tobacco smoke and not from the nicotine itself. Nicotine is very addictive, but the risks are lesser in comparison. It can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, like caffeine in coffee. Common nicotine withdrawal symptoms include urge to smoke, irritability, low mood, anxiety, and insomnia.

Access free nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products at Homerton Healthcare

NRT products are very effective and safe. They can help you to manage nicotine cravings without the toxic chemicals that you get in cigarettes and other tobacco products. NRT products can include skin patches, chewing gum, inhalator, and mouth spray.

Free and friendly support to treat tobacco dependence is available

As part of your NHS treatment, we will refer you to our Tobacco Dependence Treatment team. They will offer you expert support to help you manage nicotine withdrawals and share hints and tips on how to reduce or stop smoking. They will also talk through the various medication options available.

Our Tobacco Dependence Treatment team can also support pateints who want to quit or reduce vaping.