Targeted Health Outreach Team

The Targeted Health Outreach is a small team that supports young people with disabilities in Hackney, who are not eligible for social care services, to improve their health & wellbeing. People with disabilities are more likely to face barriers in accessing health services, resulting in health inequalities.
We believe that young people with disabilities in Hackney:
- Have the right to access mainstream health, leisure and fitness services
- Should be fully included in planning for and making decisions about their future
- Have the right to be as independent as they can be and have control of their health and wellbeing.
Our service is targeted at young people with disabilities aged 14 – 19 years, who are not eligible for children or adults disability services and do not have dedicated support from professional services such as social workers, etc.
We support young people to be as healthy, happy and independent as possible and to enable them to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.
What we do
- Identify barriers to health & wellbeing
- Address health inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities
- Support young people with access to further education
- Develop independence
- Reduce social isolation
- Support young people to plan for the future
How we do it
- Develop health action plans
- Support young people with a learning or physical disability to transition from secondary school to college
- Support young people to access health, fitness and leisure activities
- Offer travel training to enable young people to be more independent
- Provide advice, support and training to mainstream services
- Offer both 1:1 support and group work focussing on health and wellbeing topics including; fitness and health, personal safety, independent living skills, healthy eating, sexual health etc
- Sign posting and referrals to other appropriate services
Useful information
Referrals can be from individuals or professionals. For more information or a referral form please contact:
Targeted Health Outreach Team
Hackney Ark Child Development & Disability Service
Downs Park Road
London E8 2FP
tel: 020 7014 7176 (office)
07825 947 347 (mobile).