Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
Five basic steps
The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) says that people who have a disability, or sensory loss should get information in a way they can access and understand. Below are the five steps we are following to ensure this happens.
1. AskIdentify / find out if an individual has any communication /information needs relating to a disability or sensory loss and if so, what they are. |
2. RecordRecord those needs in a clear, unmistakable and standardised way in electronic and / or paper- based record / administrative systems / documents. |
3. Alert / flag/ highlightEnsure that recorded needs are ‘highly visible’ whenever the individual’s record is accessed, and prompt for action. |
4. ShareInclude information about individuals’ Information / communication needs as part of existing data sharing processes (and in line with existing information governance frameworks). |
5. ActTake steps to ensure that individuals receive information which they can access and understand and receive communication support if they need it. |
Watch this video from the British Sign Language (BSL) about the Accessible Information Standard.