Accessible Information Standard (AIS)

Five basic steps

The Accessible Information Standard (AIS) says that people who have a disability, or sensory loss should get information in a way they can access and understand. Below are the five steps we are following to ensure this happens.


1. Ask                                             

Identify / find out if an individual has any communication /information needs relating to a disability or sensory loss and if so, what they are.

Image showing people talking, one asking

2. Record

Record those needs in a clear, unmistakable and standardised way in electronic and / or paper- based record / administrative systems / documents.

image of two people talking, one taking notes

3. Alert / flag/ highlight

Ensure that recorded needs are ‘highly visible’ whenever the individual’s record is accessed, and prompt for action.

Image of person on computer

4. Share

Include information about individuals’ Information / communication needs as part of existing data sharing processes (and in line with existing information governance frameworks).

image representing interconnection

5. Act

Take steps to ensure that individuals receive information which they can access and understand and receive communication support if they need it.

Image showing people working together

Watch this video from the British Sign Language (BSL) about the Accessible Information Standard.

Working towards the standard

We are working towards becoming compliant with the standard:

Identifying and recording your needs

  • Our nursing team has updated our admission booklet and assessment booklet to include prompts for our staff to identify your needs and record them in your medical notes
  • Our outpatients team is introducing questions to help us identify your needs when you visit our clinics.
  • All new and updated forms and leaflets will ask you if you need the information in a different format.

Flagging your needs and sharing them with other professionals

  • Our IT team are working on a way to flag your needs on our computer systems.

    Flagging your needs will help us share that information with other professionals (like your GP or district nurse). In turn, your GP or district nurse will tell us if they are aware you have additional needs.

Meeting your needs
We will make sure that our patient information is provided in a clear and easy to read format.
Our legal duties to you are outlined in the Accessible Information Standard

Tell us how we can support you

Please let our reception staff or the clinician looking after you know about your communication support need(s) and how we can meet them.  

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