Blood tests moving from Clifden Centre to Lower Clapton from Monday 17 April

From Monday 17 April, if you are normally referred to the Clifden Centre for a blood test by your GP or Homerton clinician, the test will now take place in the old CHYPS Plus building behind the premises of the Lower Clapton Group Practice (formerly known as the Lower Clapton Health Centre).
The practice is located at 36 Lower Clapton Road but you will not need to go into the practice building itself. There will be signage guiding you to the blood clinic.
Currently, there is a sign pointing to the CHYPS Plus building. The CHYPS Plus services has moved and that signage has not yet been removed. However, for convenience and if you are unsure, it is this building that the blood clinic has been located to
The opening hours will be Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.
The Clifden Centre at Homerton Hospital will no longer be carrying out blood tests after 14 April.
Homerton Healthcare operate an appointment booking system on Swiftqueue. If you are referred for a blood test by your GP or Homerton clinician, you will need to use this system to book your appointment. Alternatively, you can call 07342 068 763.
The confirmation text you receive from Swiftqueue will clearly tell you the address to go to.
More details available on the phlebotomy page