Homerton tops the cleanliness chart in patient-led assessment

The Trust was rated at 100% for cleanliness in the 2024 Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment (PLACE) programme.
The acute hospital site and Mary Seacole Nursing Home were both assessed, and both came out on top in cleanliness with 100%.
PLACE is an annual assessment of the non-clinical aspects of NHS and private healthcare settings. They’re carried out by teams of volunteers from members of the public (known as patient assessors) and other Trusts. Our assessment team was made up of entirely external assessors, including 2 people from Hackney Watch and 8 volunteer assessors. They assess against common guidelines and standards, looking at cleanliness, food and hydration, privacy, dignity, and wellbeing, condition, appearance, and maintenance, and meeting the needs of people with dementia or disability.
Homerton is one of 7 NHS Trusts and one of only 3 acute Trusts to score 100% on cleanliness. It’s a fantastic achievement and a testament to the incredible work our estates and facilities and ISS teams do every day to help keep patients, their families, and our staff safe and comfortable.
"It’s great to see Homerton get top marks for cleanliness” says Director of Estates, Facilities, and Capital Natalie Firminger.
“A clean environment helps lower infection rates and creates a better experience for our patients. The estates and facilities and ISS teams work really hard to make sure all of our facilities are cleaned to highest standards, and it’s great to see their efforts and dedication recognised.
Thank you to our great teams for the important work they do, and to the volunteer assessors for giving up their time to come and do the assessment.”