Government consultation - revoking VCOD. Share your views in survey

Your chance to participate closes on 16 February 2022, 23:45.
As you will be aware, the Government announced last week that Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment (VCOD) regulations are to be reconsidered by the Department of Health & Social Care. This decision is subject to Parliamentary process and requires further consultation and a vote to be passed into legislation.
We know this process has caused a lot of anxiety and stress for many of our people. The Government has started this consultation process and all members of the public are offered the opportunity to share their views. The link to this consultation is below: Revoking vaccination as a condition of deployment across all health and social care - GOV.UK (
This link is open now and closes on 16 February 2022, 23:45.
Emral Jarrold Interim Director of People (Projects)