Are you a smoker? We need your view about an e-cigarette helpline

Invitation to participate in a research project
Do e-cigarettes help smokers quit when not accompanied by intensive behavioural support?
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Queen Mary University of London
(REC ref: 20/SW/0179; IRAS ID: 284500)
We would like to invite you to take part in a research study. The information which follows tells you about it. It is important that you understand what is in this leaflet. Please ask any questions you want to about the research and we will try our best to answer them.
The Study
Research has shown that using an e-cigarette (EC) helps smokers quit. The study showing this gave participants an e-cigarette to use and saw them for weekly appointments. This study is looking at whether face-to-face support is important or whether the advice can be provided on the phone and via support messages (e.g. email).
In this study we want to test three different ways of helping people quit: 1. 28 days of support messages (e.g. emails) via NHS SmokeFree programme with no EC, 2. EC without weekly telephone support, or 3. EC plus weekly telephone support for 5 weeks. We do not know if there will be any difference in success between these groups, this is what the study has been designed to find out. If you decide to take part in the study, a computer will decide at random (by chance) which of these treatments you receive.
What will happen if you take part?
Read the document to find out what will happen if you join the study
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