Sexual health vaccinations

You may be eligible for vaccines to protect you against some sexually transmitted infections. Please note we are unable to offer travel vaccines at our services.

We will normally offer these to you when you visit us, but you can ask your clinician if you have questions or would like to know more about getting your vaccines with us.

All these vaccines are safe and are effective ways to protect yourself against infections.

You may have had some doses of the vaccines but need further doses to give you full protection. See below for the vaccines we offer and the recommended vaccination schedules.

Who do we vaccinate?

  • Gay men, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) with a new or casual partner in last three months
  • Anyone living with HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C
  • People with known recent exposure to hepatitis A
  • People who inject drugs
  • Sex workers and those who have sex with sex workers

Vaccine Schedule 

  • You may have your immunity checked before starting your vaccine course as you may have been previously exposed to the virus and have natural immunity
  • Normally two doses, at least 6 months apart
  • This schedule is slightly different if you have a combined Hepatitis A and B vaccine (this is three doses with the 2nd and 3rd dose at one and five months after the first)

For further information follow this link to the NHS website:

Hepatitis A - NHS

Who do we vaccinate?

  • Gay men, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM)
  • Trans women
  • People whose partner has hepatitis B
  • Those starting/taking PreP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) or PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) for HIV
  • People living with HIV, hepatitis A or hepatitis C
  • People who inject drugs and their partners
  • Sex workers and those who have sex with sex workers

Vaccine Schedule

You may have your immunity tested via a blood test before starting your vaccine course to see if you have natural immunity or have previously been vaccinated (lots of countries perform routine vaccination in childhood)

You need at least three doses of the vaccine to give you the best protection

There is usually a month gap between each dose, but sometimes 3 doses can be given within 21 days (with a 4th dose at 12 months) if you need faster protection

Those living with HIV or those with a weakened immune system need four double doses all one month apart

For further information follow this link to the NHS website:

Hepatitis B vaccine - NHS

In England all teenagers are now offered vaccination for HPV at school, but in the past this was only for girls.

Therefore, we vaccinate:

Gay men, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) up to and including the age of 45

Trans women

Vaccine Schedule

If you are under 25 years old, then you only need one dose

If you are over 25 years old, then you need two doses at least 6 months apart

Those living with HIV or who have a weakened immune system need three doses — at one month and then four months after the first dose

For further information follow this link to the NHS website:

HPV vaccine - NHS

This is a virus formerly known as monkeypox

Who do we vaccinate?

Gay men, bisexual men, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM)

  • Gender-diverse people assigned male at birth identified as high-risk
  • People who have partners, have group sex or attend / work at sex-on-premises venues

Vaccine Schedule

Two doses, at least 28 days apart

This is the same for people living with HIV unless you have a severely weakened immune system

For further information follow this link to the NHS website:

Mpox - NHS

We are currently trying to improve our vaccination services and create a system that would alert you if/when you needed subsequent doses.

If you are eligible for any of these vaccines, please let us know your thoughts or suggestions to how this could be improved by clicking the link

Complete the survey