A relatively small percentage of women may be advised by their doctor to have a cervical suture inserted in the early stages of their pregnancy (usually at 12-15 weeks). This is done in theatre, usually with a spinal (local) anesthetic.
Your doctor will ask you to sign a consent form and will explain the risks and benefits to the procedure. You will be given a date for the planned surgery. All women going for elective surgery require swabs to be taken for MRSA screening.
You will be asked to have some blood tests before the day of surgery; to check that your blood count and ensure there is a recent blood group sample in the laboratory.
You should be given a packet of tablets with an antacid and anti-sickness with clear instructions as to when you need to take them prior to surgery.
You should arrive on Templar ward at 07.00 on the morning of your operation. It is very important that you have had nothing to eat and drink from midnight except a little water to help you swallow the tablets, as it can be dangerous and your operation will have to be postponed.
When you arrive on the ward, you will be greeted and shown to your bed to be prepared for theatre(consent form and blood tests checked, shaved across incision site, nail varnish removed, listened to fetal heart and checklist complete). Once all is ready the anaesthetist will come to see you.
You will be informed at approximately what time your operation is planned, but that is always subject to change if there are emergencies.
If the procedure is done in the morning then you can usually go home the same day, as long as there is someone to collect you from hospital and stay with you overnight.