Quality Improvement Resources
Inside the Trust we use the Life QI tool to manage and track our Quality Improvement projects, if you don’t have this available for you, here are set of templates you may find useful. They are provided ‘as is’ for public use.
- Driver diagram template.docx[docx] 105KB
- Driver diagram Excel tool [xlsm] 368KB – a slightly more sophisticated template using Excel. Macros must be enabled for it to work
- Fishbone diagram template - Homerton - public.docx[docx] 74KB
- PDSA description template [pptx] 195KB – a simple single Powerpoint slide to describe a PDSA cycle
- QI poster Powerpoint template [pptx] 148KB – a single page Powerpoint slide that lets you describe a QI project
- QI Project report Word template [docx] 70KB – for when you want a proper report, not just a single slide.
- Stakeholder map Powerpoint template [pptx] 177KB – a one page quadrant slide letting to map stakeholders in terms of influence and interest
- SPC Chart Excel template [link] – NHS England’s template for creating Statistical Process Control chart.